Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lost in Isaiah... and Questions!

I'm still reading in Isaiah, and despite some of my new insights I am still so lost! Probably doesn't help that I have gotten out of the habit of reading my scriptures every day. So I have a question for any one who is actually reading this blog.... What do you do to keep up your scripture reading habit? What time of the day works for you? Any other thoughts?


  1. Kara, for what it's worth . . . .I personally find it easier to find time to read scriptures in the evening. I love reading the scriptures but I seem to do better - (more consistent, greater understanding, seeing ways of how to apply the teachings to my own life) - when I choose to study by topic rather than simply reading each chapter sequentially. I really seem to get more clarity and enlightenment that way.

  2. If scripture is defined “. . . they shall speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost.
    “And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation.” ( D&C 68:2–4 .) and further clarified by Bruce R. McConkie as “any message, whether written or spoken, that comes from God to man by the power of the Holy Ghost is scripture” (Mormon Doctrine, p. 682) then who says all of our scripture reading must come from the standard works? I'm not discounting the importance of reading and pondering them, but sometimes I find it easier to keep my daily reading commitment by reading talks by general authorities. I find as I read those I discover a renewed desire to return the standard works as prompted by the spirit of these talks.
    Love, Dad


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Here we go again. Starting up my scripture study blog again, in 2016! So excited to put my thoughts and insights down.